Imagine for a Moment…

Trying to pour the perfect mug of coffee with no mug. You see Joshua Tree Mug Company doesn’t just provide funny, serious, political, beautiful, inspirational, sarcastic, you name it mugs to make statement or to look at, they all actually have a function. They serve to hold our coffee. Or for the more discerning (proper) among us tea. Or is there even more of a purpose for them than that?

I personally have a favorite mug. It’s a little weird, but it’s a misprint. You see, when we press the mugs we need to print the art in reverse. When I designed the “God Bless America” mug I was so excited to make a photograph of it and get it up on the website that I forgot to mirror the image before printing.

So, here it is:

My Backwards God Bless America Mug
My Backwards God Bless America Mug

And why am I showing you this? Because a mug needs to be something that holds your coffee, yes. But it can be much more. In my case this mug reminds me to slow down. Measure twice before cutting, or in this case pressing. Before doing something permanent, check to see if it’s really something I want to do. So I wander around the print shop with my mug, more slowly now, not making as many mistakes.

Stop by sometime and check it out. I’ll bet you’ll find me with a backwards God Bless America mug in my hand, full of coffee or something else. Because Joshua Tree Mug Company mugs aren’t just made for coffee.

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